Monday, October 11, 2010


Had an awesome CG meeting last week! Jerb is back with us! Last week was to me a busy week, a tiring one. I had rush in and out, insufficient rest and yes, lack of sleep!

Anyway, Jerb had an awesome word for us ( at least in my opinion )

She shared about this thing, so simple yet so hard to achieve. The simplicity of JOY.

Its such a simple word, JOY simpler term means happiness.

But yet many people cant achieve this joy in them. And we all wonder.

Joy is actually very simple, all you need is 3 things.

1) J - Jesus

You need Jesus to fill you and be in you!

2) O - Others

Sometimes, serving people can also brings warmth to you. And often we lack this. Thinking that when we serve people, we are treated like a servant. 

3) Y - Yourself

Being yourself can also bring joy to yourself. You dont need to put a front, having a mask in front of you. And pretenting to be happy. IT doesnt work this way.

I was so wowed by this word. Honestly, as we all grow, we tend to forgo things that may be the most precious to us when we were younger. We may replaced it with something else. And we forgotten that we need to have this joy to keep life going.

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