Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Youth meeting

Today is the Youth meeting that many young people were looking forward to! It was really a fun time where all the youth gathers together and praise and worship God! The feeling was fantastic to see that the youth in CHC were so HOT and on fire for God! I mean, it was cool and it seems like we were tearing down expo man!! haha

Anyway, we were serving as usual, truly, once an usher, forever an usher. haha. But its who you serve with that matters.

Today, Pst Kong preached about the calling in life. And the calling to be a full time minister! Man! it was mind blowing! And Awesome! hhaah!! No other words to describe!

Spoke to HuiErl after service, something that really touches my heart alot and impacted me!
I was AMAZED! I mean, she had show me something that is so wow!!

To cut the story short, i need to thank Hui Erl for enlightening me, showing me that there is actually another path that can take! And sometimes we are so alone, we forgotten everything! So now i know!

Now, its time to sleep!! Gonna have another long day ahead! Tuition and more tuition! And also the meeting with Pst D! Wohoo!! Gonna catch something from this meeting as well!

Night all!

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