Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Its almost 2 months since Nellie arrives in this world.

She has grown, bigger fatter, prettier (in my own opinion), and more aware of her surroundings as compared to when she first arrived.

The first few weeks of motherhood was totally not easy for me. I had to express milk out for her, and slowly to latching her. The soreness and pain was not something that can be describe with a few words. And often i thought to myself, what have i got myself into? These thoughts are especially lively when its in the middle of the night, having to wake up from my sleep and feed her, and when she refused to latch properly and kept crying.

To make matter worse, she will latch for hours before falling back into deep sleep which will last her barely 2 hours, before she start asking for milk again! You can imagine how sleep deprived am i.

I am not the kind that can sleep alot in the afternoon, as such, night time is my most precious moments to catch some eye shut, ever since i made that decision to latch her, i only averagely get 4 - 5 hours of broken sleep. Which means, each time i only sleep about 1 over hours, a max 2.

Despite the many complaints, whenever she wakes up and smile at me, (simply because i am her food source), her smiles will totally melt my heart and makes me want to do anything for her.

These 2 months of bonding with her, just make me feel like being a stay home mum and devote all my time and attention to her. I cant fathom how will life be when i go back to the workforce and only gets to see my little princess probably that 2 hours a day.

Just before i end off this post, here are some growing pics of the princess!

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