Saturday, May 4, 2013

Nellies' one month old!

Nellie turns one month!

It was a much anticipated event for many! YY's parents, my parents and many others were looking forward to celebrate this special occasion with Nellie!

I was just tired, considering that i have to wake up every 3 hours to feed her and before i drift off to lala land, she is up for her next feed again.

No pictures as i was too busy trying to keep track of time, when to pump and the number of guests turning up, the food was good and tasty, the many other details.

Im thankful for all the friends and family members who turned up and celebrate this joyous occasion with us.

The many wonderful gifts and Ang pows that all of you has sowed into Nellies' life!

Thank you for making the event such a successful and memorable one! Maybe not for Nellie, she probably does not remember anything. But more for YY and myself, as well as our families.

Thank God for the wonderful weather too!

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