Thursday, April 18, 2013

Heb 11: 1

I have a deeper understanding of Heb 11: 1, on the very day when i delivered Princess Nellie.

During the whole 9 months of pregnancy, every day, i will pray, asking God for something.

The first 5 months when i know i was pregnant, i prayed everyday, asking God to bless me a baby girl. And when i got to know of baby gender, i was thrilled. True indeed, a baby girl was given.

After which, every single day, i pray, asking God, to bless the baby girl with a pretty, adorable, smiley, sociable, girl, most importantly, she must have a heart after God's very own heart, last but not least, to have a healthy baby. (of cos, as a selfish mother, i also prayed that she will not have any birth mark or whatsoever).

6 April, when its time for Nellies' arrival, even as i go through Labour pain and contractions, in my heart, i continued asking God to bless Nellie. (And of cos, take away the labour pain!)

When Nellie arrived at 2221, tired as i am, i took a peeked and i ask YY the most shallowed question, is Nellie pretty and does she have any birth marks on her.

The reply from all was, she is a pretty baby, no birth mark, no major defect.

My first thought was THANK GOD!

And i thank God for the verse, Heb 11:1

And Faith is the Substance of  Things HOPED for, the evident of things NOT SEEN! 

Because i told myself, only with Faith that we can have things we that hope for and with that, God then can move!

And true indeed! God moved in my case for me! And i am really grateful for this!

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